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Becoming a writer

The earliest memory that I have of writing was probably when I was around 5 or 6 years old. My sister and I would make up all kinds of stories of us going on adventures and we loved it. To make the stories come to life, I would take a stack of paper and fold it in half, and then on the fold I would staple it so it could be opened like a real book. Inside I would create illustrations for the stories we made up. From then on I had always loved to write. In class I would continue to write stories and I remember in 4th grade my teacher showing one of them to my parents at a conference. I hadn’t always known that I wanted to be a writer. As a kid it was just something to pass the time. My sister had her heart set on becoming a Veterinarian for pretty much as long as I can remember and now she’s living her dream in vet school. Then there was me who probably changed my mind on what I wanted to be when I grew up every other week. But looking back, what I loved most was just reading and creating stories. As life went on, my passion grew and now, here I am as a Theology major and Writing minor. Those stories may have been imaginary and much different from the way that I write today but there is one thing that is similar; I wanted to influence people with my words. I know that the purpose that God gave me was to serve people and the gifts he combined it with is writing. I know I have a long way to go to be the best writer I can be, but one thing that will never change is the child in my heart that just wants love and influence people.

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