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Blog Reflection

Looking back on this term, it's crazy to think of how much I have grown as a writer and as a Christian. Leading others to Jesus has been a goal of mine for so long and being able to use the blog to do that has been such a blessing. Writing these blog posts has been a discipline. I have not only learned how to consistently write or think about writing but it has challenged me to dig deeper into my brain to figure out what is truly going on in there. I understand why psychologists have people write down in a journal now haha. But in all honesty, this blog has been such a beneficial practice for me that I want to continue for a long time. This blog has taught me a lot and it has helped me teach others. I look forward to what this blog leads me to and what I will continue to learn from it

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Lillian Pinkston
Lillian Pinkston
2021년 4월 16일

A very accurate depiction of blogging. The challenging discipline of the blog is so true, as well as the comparison to journaling. For me, blogging has been a way to turn what might have been rambling journal entries into cohesive pieces of self-reflection. It’s been so great to engage with our blogs as individuals and as our little class community.


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