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Book Trailers and publishing

When I realized that book trailers were actually a thing, I was sort of expecting a mini movie. Which was exciting. But after watching a few trailers, I have noticed that it is mainly illustration and narration. Now there are some book trailers that are like mini movies but only a few. When scrolling to find a book trailer for a book that I knew about, I found one for a book that I not only read but forgot existed. Not remembering the storyline, I clicked on it. In the book trailer for Dorothy Must Die by Danielle Paige, it is minute long animation of a dark version of Oz. The main character talks about how Dorothy became evil and that the main character has to dominate Dorothy and her companions. Within glimpses of Oz, there is the classic white and blue plaid that is known for Dorothy's dress and the red heels that she has.

I think the motive of the book was to get people into the idea of Oz because everyone knows about it but as the narration goes on, the watchers must realize that Dorothy is actually the villain in the story. I think what made people interested in this book was because of its connection to Wizard of Oz and probably the idea that Dorothy is a villain is confusing so people want to look into the reason why. I think this has to show that in marketing, especially when book trailers were popular, it was important to keep readers on their toes. The publishing industry wants people to get interested so book trailers are able to capture a quick look and a cliff hanger to get people to buy the books. I don't think that the trailers are something that helps now but I think at the time that they were, it could have been competitive in a way. Overall, I think that this book trailer probably had success then, but probably isn't now.

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