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Catching Up

I'm back!

Hello Everyone! I am so excited to start up the blog again and so I thought that I should probably catch you up on what I have been up to!

Since my last blog post, I have gotten married to a wonderful man named Aaron, I have been interning in my church's youth ministry for the last year and half, and I am currently four months pregnant with twins!

Looking back on the last few years, it has been wonderful to see how much God has blessed my life. Getting to marry the love of my life has been one of the greatest things I have ever experienced. Aaron has been such a light and being with him has allowed me to grow as a person but also grow into the person that God has made me to be. Aaron pushes me but also is my biggest cheerleader and I truly believe he is the person that I trust the most in my life.

Studying at George Fox has solidified my calling to help young lives pursue God. Working in youth ministry has challenged me in so many ways but I have learned so much more than I thought I would by working with middle and high schoolers. Being back to devote my time into their lives has taught me more about God but it also has allowed me to witness the growth in the hearts of my students who I just met a year and a half ago. In my time of working with youth and studying at Fox, God has called me to continue my education at Portland Seminary! As a member of the Margaret Fell Scholars Program, I have been able to start my masters early and so as I am in my senior year of my Bachelors, I am also in my first year of my masters program!

Now, for the biggest news of my life right now, I am pregnant with twins! I am due in June with two little babies and will hopefully be learning the genders soon! Since finding out that I'm pregnant, I feel like I have started to rethink the direction of my life and I feel that God has blessed me with this huge challenge but also has reminded me that I am made for so much more than I can imagine. I can't wait to meet these two little babies but I also know that even just being pregnant has its milestones so I am trying my best to be content with where I am at right now. Being a pregnant college student is definitely a weird experience that I am sure I will blog more on!

Anyways, I am excited to continue to share how God is impacting my life every week and I would love to explore more with you all on what it is like to be a young, married and pregnant college student! I hope you all have a wonderful week!

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