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Good Writing

When I think of success for a good piece of writing, I think of it as an engaging piece that will be able to appeal to audiences and make sense. When I work on a piece of writing, I aim to make sure that it flows really well, has a clear topic, and is able to engage with the audience so it isn’t boring to read. I don't think that a piece has to be published or even seen by an audience to be good writing. When I’m proud of a piece, I sometimes only allow certain people to read it. I think good writing comes from the heart of the writer. If it's something that is meaningful to them, it's going to be good. But when their heart isn’t into it, then I think that’s where it falls apart. Personally, I find to be able to write really well when I’m freewriting about something I like, like when I write for the blog. But when I’m writing a paper about something I don’t care about, or a paper that has to be structured a certain way, then I feel like I’m in a box and I won’t have the freedom to write with my strengths. I don’t think that good writing has to be put into a box of grammatical rules either. From the piece On Writing by Stephen King, he had talked about how as long as it flows really well, then grammar doesn’t need to be strictly applied. I think that's what I like about free writing too is that it just goes on. But structured writing can be great too, it takes great skill to be able to form a series of points without it being jumbled. When I read research papers or even books about a certain topic, I’m always impressed with how formulated it gets and how it is able to flow. That is why I think that each writer has a strength in a field and weaknesses in others. And once we find the field we do flourish in, we should run with it.

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