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Do you believe that formal grammar instruction is essential to someone’s education? What role should the instruction of grammar play in the writing classroom? Does the type of writing classroom influence whether writing should be taught?

While I value the knowledge of grammar, I find that formal grammar instruction is essential to an extent. Looking back on my experience of learning grammar growing up, a majority of my paper’s grades rode on the back of my grammar instead of the main idea of the paper itself. I myself have never been very good at grammar and I’ve had teachers try to drill it into my brain since 1st grade. So to go from that, I don’t think formal grammar instruction is going to be fully absorbed even when it is being repeatedly taught throughout a person’s life. I think the best way to truly learn grammar is to write consistently and have someone with experience look through it and help you correct it. I think that in the classroom grammar is important as a writer is learning because it establishes an idea on how to form something together that will make sense but I think that some are far more harsh about grammar than they need to be. My Junior year of high school, 90% of my papers were graded based on grammar. This sucked because I would work so hard on my point in the paper and the teacher completely ignored it and just focused on technical pieces. Overall, I think that grammar should be taught as a guideline that escalates based on experience instead of a rubric or set bar.

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Lillian Pinkston
Lillian Pinkston
Mar 19, 2021

I completely agree that the only way to really learn grammar is to use it. It's a shame your teachers overlooked the message of your papers because of grammar, because grammar is only as important as the meaning it is used to convey. I like the idea of grammar as a guideline. It is one element of many in writing, not the essence of all language.


Ashleigh Scheuneman
Ashleigh Scheuneman
Mar 19, 2021

It is so frustrating when the ideas you were trying to present are overshadowed by the teacher's ridicule of grammar. Your end thought of how grammar should be graded is especially interesting, and is a concept I hadn't considered before. It's fun to see what everyone's thoughts on grammar are (wow I can't believe I wrote that sentence).


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