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My thoughts on the giant of Publication

Reflecting on publications this week and the idea of what hoops to jump through in order to become actually published makes me think, well if nobody wants to publish me, then I’ll publish myself. Maybe it’s the confidence I’ve had this week or just the comfort to know that I have a God that is rooting for me, but in all honesty, I think that the intimidation that publications have on people can be silly. Growing up, my idea of publications circled around Sandra Bullock in The Proposal and the character Walter Hobbs from Elf. Both of them had this dark and serious character to them which made me think that publishers always act like that. In all fairness though, I actually haven’t met anybody who publishes books yet.

From the reading that we had this week, I have seen that influence, like how Fifty Shades of Grey came to be, how the NYT bestseller list forms their list, and what is required to become a published author, I feel like the industry is just like how the author of Fifty Shades of Grey designed the cover to look more James Bond than Romance. After taking it off the pedestal and analyzing what makes it seem big and powerful, all I see is a bunch of people who have something in common: They want to get words out there. Whether it's a news magazine article or a children's book, you have to have a set of standards put in place so you aren’t throwing things out all willy nilly. This still happens though, that is the purpose of a blog, so you don’t need approval from someone in order to share your voice.

So when I think if I’m imitated or not from the publishing industry, I would say no. If I were to be published, I would be over the moon ecstatic. But if I’m rejected, yeah it’ll hurt but it’s not the end of the world. There is always the option of self publishing or putting my work on my blog. And who knows, maybe it’ll somehow be discovered like The Kissing Booth, and be turned into a movie. (If you are wondering, The Kissing Booth was written on Weebly and I read it, I was not a fan of the book or movie…). So who cares if my writing is terrible because it might just end up on Netflix someday. Overall, I am confident in my work no matter what happens, so that giant of an industry feels like an ant to me right now. Who knows, maybe I’ll change my mind later.

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