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Writing as a Woman

Looking back on what the articles said about women’s writing this week, I would have to say that in my case they are correct. I definitely base my writing off of relationships in my life, and if you’ve been keeping up with my blog posts, you would probably agree. Maybe that makes me generic or fit in a box but honestly I think that my relationships have been the place where I learn the most. Looking at my gender, I think that while men probably can tap into their emotional side if they wanted to, women tend to do it more often. I don’t know the science behind it or the reasoning but from my experience with boys, they do not like expressing emotions. When I write, I don’t like to think, I just write what I’m feeling. So far, it's gone pretty well for me. For my blog posts, my emotional connection to my faith has allowed me to learn something about myself or God each week and I base my post around that. For my paper’s, I try to see how I could use emotion or a personal connection to enhance the paper. Overall, I enjoy writing with my emotions. It may make it seem mushy or sentimental but heck with it, that’s how I write.

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1 Comment

Mar 13, 2021

I am totally the same way, Peyton; my emotions influence a lot of my decisions, which include my decisions in writing. If I'm stuck when writing a paper on how to tie it all together and make the textual evidence mean something, the first place I reach is into my basket of emotional appeal to try to create a deeper message, something that's meaningful but not too cheesy. It makes me sad that a lot of the time men don't feel able to feel or express a lot of emotion, or that many women feel guilty if they aren't "emotional enough" based on society's standards. I think it is something that is changing with time, albeit very slowly, but the…


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